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Showing posts from November, 2011


Do you aware that home remedies can treat our disease by two way, one is because they have direct effect on our body and another one is that we get well because we believe that home remedies can help not the effect its self. For example, when I once saw a young man who suffered from a very bad headache. To cure him, his mother gave him a small piece of potato. She told him it was a strong painkiller. He believed her and then the pain went away. It was his faith in her treatment, and not the potato itself that made him feel better. Many home remedies work this way. They help a lot because people have faith in them. For this reason, home remedies are usually used to cure illness that are origin from people's minds, beliefs or worry.


You must keep in mind that a person who has stopped breathing has only 5 minutes to survive!! So you must ACT FAST. Start mouth-to-mouth breathing immediately-- if possible, even before the person is out of the water. If you cannot blow the air into his lungs, when you reach the shore, quickly put him on his side with his head lower than his feet and push his belly (between his navel and ribs) upward strongly. Repeat several time if necessary then continue mouth-to-mouth breathing at once. Remember: Always start mouth-to-mouth breathing at once before trying to get water out of the drowning person's chest!!


Many people injured everyday and some of them cannot stop bleeding until they get to the hospital. If the bleeding is serious, and the bleeding is not stopped the victim can die from hypovolemic shock or post injury consequences. To control the bleeding, you may follow: 1- Raise the injured part. 2- Use a thick clean cloth to press directly on the wound. This may takes 15mn or more to stop bleeding. Occasionally direct pressure will not control bleeding in a big wound or when an arm or a leg has been cut off. If this happen, and the person is in danger (bleeding to death), do the following: Keep pressing on the wound Keep the injured part as high as possible Tie the arm or leg as close to the wound as possible-tie strong enough to control bleeding. Note: Use a folded cloth or wide belt to tie, never use thin rope, string or wire.


Have you ever had nosebleeds? How often ? And what did you do to stop it? Do you think it is serious? Most people have nosebleeds and most of them stopped after a several minutes but some are not. Here is the effective way to stop nosebleeds: 1- Sit quietly. 2-Blow the nose gently to remove mucus and blood. 3- Pinch the nose firmly for ten minutes or until the bleeding has stopped. If this does not control the bleeding, start 4- packing the nostril with a wad of cotton, leaving part of it outside the nose. If possible, first wet the cotton with hydrogen peroxide or lidocaine with epinephrine. 5- Then pinch the nose firmly again for ten minutes or more Note: Do not tip the head back!!