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Food poisoning

Food poisoning is very unpleasant because it make you nausea/vomit and sometimes diarrhea. Food poisoning is not always mild and easy to treat. Sometime people get severe dehydration and electrolytes depletion which may need special treatment and care. However, there are a number of ways you can do to reduce or prevent nausea and vomiting from food poisoning: Avoid solid foods until vomiting ends, then eat light, bland foods such as saltine crackers, bananas, rice or bread. Sipping liquids may help avoid vomiting. Do not eat fried, greasy, spicy or sweet foods. Do not take anti-nausea or anti-diarrhea medications without asking your doctor. They have side effects and may make your diarrhea get worse. Your doctor may give you anti-nausea medication if you are at risk of developing dehydration. Drink clear fluids, starting with small sips and gradually drinking more. If vomiting and diarrhea last more than 24 hours, drink an oral rehydration solution (widely available at the ph...
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Help a child with chocking

Children in their preschool age are lovely. They are very active and love to explore and try something new for their growing life. They learn many things everyday and their brain is growing very fast compared to adult. However, some children like to put objects in their mouth so that they can taste and feel it. Sometime they do it because they want to hid objects from their friends or parents. Putting small object in their mouth can cause sudden chocking and death if not immediate recognized and removed. Unfortunately, removing objects from a child mouth with chocking is not easy as putting them in, this can cause more harm by pushing the object further down the airway if done without proper techniques.  To help a child with chocking, one must know an effective way to help otherwise, the child is at danger.  Here is an effective and simple ways recommended by an international experts on basic life support:


Chickenpox is considered as a disease of children because most people get infected when they are young. However, it can affect people of any age if they haven't had it before or vaccinated. It is caused by Varicella zoster virus which cause itchy rashes, fluid-filled everywhere on the body. Chickenpox is mild disease and will disappear by itself within one week without any specific treatment. Before rashes appear, there are nonspecific symptoms like: Feeling of weakness Lost of appetite Muscles pain Fever and  Nausea Very small amount of people get complications from chickenpox such as: Secondary skin infection on the previous lesions Infection of the joint Lung tissue inflammation Brain inflammation You should go to hospital when you have anything like: The rash become redness and painful with swelling Severe joint pain with persistent fever Chest pain with difficulty in breathing Severe headache with vomiting

Acute Diarrhea

Acute diarrhea is the second leading cause of death in children under five. The majority of deaths occur in developing countries where resources are limited. Even though, the disease is easy to be treated and prevented, lack of clean water, poor hygiene in the under-developed world make it difficult to reduce the mortality and morbidity. Most cases of acute diarrhea are caused by virus which is usually self-limited. However, some cases antibiotic is needed especially when the child is passing stool with mucus or blood. Major complications of acute diarrhea are: Dehydration Electrolytes imbalance Failure to recognize and treat these two complications properly, mortality rate is high. On the other hand, promptly correct dehydration and electrolytes imbalance, death is uncommon. Children who can tolerate with oral re-hydration, can be safely treated at home but need to be re-evaluate by doctor if diarrhea persist. WHO recommend ORS solution as a standard fluid for health care ...

Serious Disease with little awareness- Melioidosis

An old disease that present almost exclusively in tropical area such as South East Asia region has long been known with little awareness especially in countries where little can be done to growth the bug. It's known as a serious disease with high mortality rate once it get into your blood and cause systemic symptoms, Melioidosis, caused by a fancy named bug Burkholderia Pseudomalei. It is primarily found in soil and water of such area. How dose the bug get into your body? Humans get the infection by inhalation of contaminated dust or water droplets, ingestion of contaminated water, and contact with contaminated soil, especially through wounds on the skin. Human to human transmission is very rare, and only a few cases have reported. Where will it go in your body? Once the bug gets into your body, it can affect almost every organ systems. However, mortality and morbidity varies between organs involved. The highest mortality rate occurs with systemic involvement such as seps...

How to recognize Dengue Fever: Do and Don't

Dengue fever is caused by virus transmitted via tiger mosquito bite which is endemic in tropical area but can occur everywhere in the world. The virus has four sero-types, which mean one person can has dengue infection four times in his or her life time. The severity of the illness varies greatly from a simple febrile illness to a severe, life threatening condition. However, majority of patients develop mild disease only. The presentation of the disease follows three phases: 1- febrile phase: it is the first stage when the patient develop high fever and usually not response to anti=pyretic medications. Abdominal pain, vomiting and poor appetite can also occur. It usually last from 2-7 days (mean 3-4days). 2- Afebrile/critical phase: this stage, fever start to come down and warning signs can develop depending on the severity of the disease. Medical attention is needed in this period as it can progress rapidly and the patient can die at this stage if dangers signs are not recognized....

Stress too much? No More Worry!!!

Stress has always been considered as bad for our health for decades. However, researchers has found the benefit of stress recently. During her talk @ TedGlobal in June 2013, Kelly McGonigal, a Health Psychologist, explained how we can make friend with stress so as stress can be good for us. People were told that stress is harm for our health for many reasons including increase risk of cardiovascular disease, mental problem. etc. Recent research on 30 000 adults in the United States for 8 years concerning about how much stress they had and what their believe toward stress.The result from this research turned our thought upside down. They found that people who had a lot of stress and believe it was bad for them had increase 43%  risk of die prematurely. On the other hand, people who had a lot of stress but believe it was good for them had the lowest risk just like the people who had very little stress. The stress found to be good in some ways that it cause our heart to b...