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Showing posts from May, 2016

Stress too much? No More Worry!!!

Stress has always been considered as bad for our health for decades. However, researchers has found the benefit of stress recently. During her talk @ TedGlobal in June 2013, Kelly McGonigal, a Health Psychologist, explained how we can make friend with stress so as stress can be good for us. People were told that stress is harm for our health for many reasons including increase risk of cardiovascular disease, mental problem. etc. Recent research on 30 000 adults in the United States for 8 years concerning about how much stress they had and what their believe toward stress.The result from this research turned our thought upside down. They found that people who had a lot of stress and believe it was bad for them had increase 43%  risk of die prematurely. On the other hand, people who had a lot of stress but believe it was good for them had the lowest risk just like the people who had very little stress. The stress found to be good in some ways that it cause our heart to beat faste

Stray dog bite: Rabies

Stray dogs are very common in some parts of the world especially in the developing countries. Not all the stray dogs are dangerous, however, it is always be safe to be away from them. One of the reasons is that, you never know whether the dog is sick or not. Dog bite is hurt, of course, but it can be life danger if the dog that bite you is infected with rabies virus. Rabid dogs carry the virus inside their saliva and can transmit to you when you got bitten or even scratch ( the dogs lick their foot very frequent and the virus can stay on their foot and transmit via scratching). Fortunately, post exposure prophylaxis vaccination is very effective to prevent rabies and it is widely available. Here are some steps to do after dog bite: Clean the wound immediately with clean water and soap Do not try to apply any herbal medicine (a lot of belief do that) as it can cause the wound to be infected Go to the nearest health facilities and discuss about possibility of vaccination aga

What to do when you see someone fall

Sudden fall due to heart problem is no longer a rare event. At anytime or place, you may see some who suddenly fall to the ground. They can be anyone very closed to you such as your grandparent or someone you never know before. It can be a life saving maneuver to learn if there is no doctor around at that time. CPR is a technique to rescue those type of victims that any body can learn in a very short time. Watch the video below to see how to perform CPR step by step correctly: Courtesy of Singapore Heart Foundation